before Thanksgiving arrives! We were pretty bummed to miss Trunk or Treat this year and not do our family costumes. I think it was mostly Wayne who was disappointed. Trunk or treat fell on Cassie's birthday and she had made other plans, so we'll catch 'em next year.

Thanks to my kids for the easiest and cheapest costumes this year! And you should know that Brynn decided on her costume (her alter ego, Tink) one hour before the Halloween dance. Gave me a small heart attack, but she had a Tinkerbell skirt from a previous year and it all worked out. Ethan's was just an Einstein wig and moustache and we put the rest together just before he went trick or treating. It's one of my most favorite costumes he's ever worn. (Runs a close second to the gorilla costume ;)
Thanks to Drapers for the fun "Thing" shirt and Sandi for the photo. I think there were a total of eight "Things". Cassie embraced the blue wig and wore it proud.

Thanks to Drapers for the fun "Thing" shirt and Sandi for the photo. I think there were a total of eight "Things". Cassie embraced the blue wig and wore it proud.

The trick-or-treaters loved Taylor and many stopped to take pictures with him. It's a pretty good security system with this guy in the window.