Friday, October 26, 2007


Just last week, we discovered that Ethan has a hidden love for Karaoke! He randomly decided to start playing our gamecube game, "Karaoke Revolution." He quickly found his favorite song, "Call Me!" This week he has been playing it every free minute he has!!! We were able to catch this video of him singing along.

Lost Teeth

WOW!!! W e haven't blogged for SO long! Well, the reason for this, because blogger kept on telling us our email was invalid, so we couldn't log in! It is all fixed now, so we've got to update! About 3 weeks ago, Ethan lost his two front teeth! Yes, and now he can say "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth!" Oh yeah, and after Eth lost his first one, Cassie lost one of hers a second later!