Monday, June 22, 2009

Happy Birthday Brynn!

It's not much fun to have your birthday during finals week, but we managed to fit some celebrating in between all the studying. We know Brynn will keep celebrating all summer long with the many vacations and events on her schedule.
Happy 15th Brynn!

(We've made it to the end of birthday season...whew!)


Kim said...

Happy Birthday Brynn...15??? Crazy. You are so pretty I can imagine the line that will be forming next year (sorry wayner-its gonna happen)

kyliebrooke|s said...

happy happy birthday brynn! lucky you! 15 on the 15th. :)

kam said... are 15. this is so stinkin' crazy! happy birthday tooooo yoooouuuuuuu! ;) Hope is was fabbity fab fab! happy summer. wish you and cassie were closer for some sitting...kamee