Monday, June 9, 2008


With Brynn's persuading, I'm finally getting around to reading Twilight. I know I'm way behind the times with this, but I've been skeptical about the whole vampire thing. What intrigued me though, was the fact the main character is from Phoenix/Scottsdale and apparently, some of the book takes place there. My parents live just off Cactus Road and on our last trip to Arizona, Brynn was adamant that we find 58th St. &Cactus Rd. I guess something big takes place there and I'll find out soon what that might be. She was a little disappointed to find out it was just a residential corner, but still wanted a picture here.


Anonymous said...

BRYNN!!!!!! OH MY GOSH!!! You are SO lucky you got to go there!!!! I LOVE Twilight too!! I can't wait for the movie and for Breaking Dawn to come out!!! you will have to tell me all about your little trip to 58th street and Cactus Rd!! Can't wait to see you!!
luv ya!

Danielle said...

Oh yes- I cannot believe you are not to that part of the book yet! It is pretty well, I cannot say, but be prepared.....

Chrissy said...

Haha, woohoo for Twilight!

SoCalHirts said...

Ask your dad what happens at the dead end of "Hay Way". A place few go, but no one forgets!