Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Easter was a beautiful day--probably the warmest we've had so far. Unfortunately, I (Erin--I know it's weird for me to actually be posting, but the kids are allowing it this time ;0) was sick on my favorite holiday, but we still managed to have fun. If we don't travel for Easter, and there's no family in town, then we like to picnic. So this year, we took a delicious lunch to a park above Capo Beach. Ethan and Wayne played catch and lost, not one, but two baseballs in the bushes. You can see some random people who felt bad for us and helped us search for the baseballs, but they were never found. Just below is a picture of the kids after church in the nearby flower field.

Transformer eggs???

It's not Easter without the Peeps.........


Kim said...

Very cute. Love the white sunglasses Brynn.

Chrissy said...

Love these pics!

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Josh said...

So cute Erin! It looks like you live in paradise! I go on living my life and forget how beautiful everything is around me, ... thanks for the reminder!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I dropped off some cookies today and realized that it's spring break and you may very well be out of town!

I hope where ever you are you're having a blast!

Kari said...

Happy late Birthday Erin! I'd have to say there is nothing quite like a transformer egg. I've never seen anything like it. If only my boys knew what they were missing out on. Let's get together soon.